fpzip is a BSD-licensed open-source library for lossless or lossy compression of large multidimensional floating-point arrays. Although written in C++, fpzip has a C interface. fpzip is based on the algorithm described in the following paper:

Peter Lindstrom and Martin Isenburg, “Fast and Efficient Compression of Floating-Point Data,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(5):1245–1250, September–October 2006, doi:10.1109/TVCG.2006.143.

fpzip was primarily designed for lossless compression but also has provision for lossy compression. For lossy compression, our zfp compressor often outperforms fpzip.

Software Releases

Version Date Size
FPZIP 1.3.0 2019-12-20 25.51 KB
FPZIP 1.2.0 2017-06-10 27.25 KB
FPZIP 1.1.0 2014-06-08 23.98 KB
FPZIP 1.0.1 2007-08-07 22.12.KB